There has already been a concerted attempt to shift the narrative from peaceful protest to selfish looting; from police brutality to “necessary force”. This is not an accident. So, we put together examples of Police behaving badly during protests so the media don’t have to…

It’s getting political in Diversify land! Well…sort of. In a way it always has been. But in episode 4, we delved into the depths of Westminster life and pulled out our very own Lobbyist who answered questions about Parliament, the way Westminster works and of course, she explained what on earth a Lobbyist actually does… […]

This week’s podcast is London-centric so what better song to add to our Playlist To Change The World than this punk classic…

One for the theatre fans (and history buffs!) – Hamilton, a musical about the lesser-known founding father, has taken the world by storm. This hip-hop musical has made history itself and “my shot” is a celebration of hope and inspiration…

Iceland’s Christmas advert calling for a #NoPalmOilChristmas has been deemed “too political” to appear on TV. It’s time we stopped politicising the truth at the expense of the planet…

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Diversify! Our first ever guest is Zack Polanski (Actor, Activist and Green Party Candidate) who chats to us about politics, proportional representation, universal basic income and why millennials are parking bikes in fields…

The use of “whataboutism” in political dialogue is an excuse to feel better about not doing anything by belittling the cause of those who are.

If your immediate response to a topic is to deflect onto another one, ask yourself why that might be.

One woman’s decision to take ownership of her own body, and how you can have purpose without procreation.

On the day members of Parliament debate and vote on a Bill to extend civil partnerships to heterosexual couples, we offer our open support to the cause.

I used to think discrimination was a straight-up sign of ignorance but I realised that couldn’t explain why so many intelligent people say so many ignorant things.